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We, at Queenswood Christian School (QCS), are passionate about educating our future leaders and encouraging our young people to become active members of the community while pursuing their careers. We offer classes from Grade R - Grade 13 and our classes are small with +/- 16 students per grade and one staff member to enhance focused learning. QCS uses an international curriculum which is based on mastery of content - important in building responsibility and independence learning.  QCS offer an International Grade 12 and Grade 13 Certificate which is accepted at both National and International tertiary institutions and we pride ourselves in our many success stories and top achieving graduates.

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Students are taught to:

  1.  Be responsible for their own outcomes

  2.  Set a high standard in their tests and beyond

  3.  Complete their curriculum within the allocated time frame

  4.  Establish time management principles

  5. Cultivate a high standard of personal ethics


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Erika du Plessis
Johan Struwig
Andre Nel
Stephanie Schroder

Director - Principal - QCS

Director - Vice Principal - QCS

Director - Administrator - QCS

Principal - Little Camelot

Erika du Plessis came on board as the principal in 1999 and has been building a high quality into students ever since. She loves the vibrancy and dynamics of the school, and enjoys the continual challenge of envisioning and equipping staff and students alike in order to meet the challenges of this and future generations. 

Johan Struwig started at QCS as a teacher and his love for  teaching has never waned. He lives for that "wow' moment when a student understands the concept that has been presented. Many students accredit their success in their chosen fields to the solid academic foundations he laid while they were in his class.  Although he is now in a managerial position his focus remains - empowering students academically for their futures

Andre Nel has been with the school since its inception. He has seen the school grow from a small group of home school parents to an organisation catering now for students from Grade R - 12.

His greatest delight is seeing young people follow the plan God has for them with passion. His personal relationship with Christ translates into a daily testimony of Gods faithfulness and joy to the students, staff, and parents.

Stephanie Schroder established Little Camelot Nursery School in 2010 as the official onsite feeder school for QCS. She enjoys the daily interactions with the students, staff and parents alike as well as assisting in creating a bridge over to formal schooling. Being a teacher herself she knows and understands the challenges that comes with starting school and strives to make Little Camelot an enriched learning environment.

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